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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Back from Pennsylvania

Well, I made it back home from Pa. after a very nice visit with many relatives. Grandma is doing very well and has a nice new place to live in a convenient area of the town. The weather was very cold and windy the whole visit but that did not stop us from taking on some hikes on the local trails behind Bill's house, a baseball game - Penn State vs Purdue and 9 holes on a very nicely groomed country club course. Although it has been at least 8 years since my last golf game I only managed to slice one shot into the water and then played another ball the whole game (very unusual for me to say the least!)

Very miserable trip driving home due to rain and a bad accident on I-81 which stopped southbound lanes for hours. I had sat for 1.5 hours with the truck turned off..so very long day driving home. I put a bottle of GUM OUT gas treatment in the tank and got the best mileage ever in my pickup on the way home..good stuff!

Well...I'm out for the night.


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  1. Check out my blog and leave comments at http://collinsstuff.blogspot.com/
